JULY 22nd - AUGUST 9th
Do you have what it takes to be a SalesMail Olympian?
We invite you to test your world-class SalesMail skills in the SalesMail Olympics! This two-week competition gives you the opportunity to #GoForTheGreen and show us what it really means to be a SalesMail superstar. To compete, send SalesMail between July 22nd and August 9th and you'll be in it to win it!
Compete in the following events:
How to win: Get the most total engagement (emoji reactions, comments, and Call-to-Action button clicks) on all the SalesMail videos you send during the contest period.
How to win: Get the most total views on all the SalesMail videos you send during the contest period.
How to win: During the contest period, use SalesMail QR Pro to create a SalesMail that hits the target for your business goals. Save that SalesMail as a favorite with the word "Archery" in the name to enter.
How to win: During the contest period, record your most fun and/or creative SalesMail video that incorporates a water feature (pool, pond, lake, fountain, etc.) Save that SalesMail as a favorite with the word "Swimming" in the name to enter.
Competing in the SalesMail Olympics with your co-workers? An additional award (and bragging rights!) will be given to the TEAM that wins the most medals!
As with all SalesMail, you should consider the following:
• Message delivery – Conversational tone (not overly scripted), smiling/body language, high energy
• Personalization – Addresses the recipient by name, shares something that's unique to the recipient
• Setting – Lighting, background, personal touches
• Animated Preview – Captures attention, shows personalization
Your videos must be recorded and sent using SalesMail beginning on July 22nd and ending on August 9th, 2024.
You agree to let us show your videos as an example of a stellar SalesMail.
Any indication that a user artificially inflated views or engagement numbers (e.g., excessively viewing or liking their own videos) will disqualify them. Videos created just to inflate numbers for the contest will not be considered.
Winners will be announced via social media on August 16th, 2024.